Monday, February 16, 2009

Yet Another Memorable Experience

This picture has nothing to do with my seminar...just wanted to add some color...:-D

I'm kind of behind in blogging right now about my travels and other memorable experiences..past or present. Reason being I came back from a seminar in Pasadena and learn't so much about myself and now am not able to stop seeing all these opportunities out there for me. I know the economy is grim right now but there are so many opportunities for all of us even if it is only to stop and think about our lives and make some minor changes so that we don't get caught in this situation again. The seminar was called "Life Directions" by Peak Potentials Training -yes T Harv Eker's Life Directions. I'm a great fan of T Harv Eker and his book "Secrets of A Millionaire Mind" (see my amazon ad). I've been to several of Harv's seminars and have taken my husband and my two daughters..believe me life has changed for all of a hugh way. We have a bigger retirement account now..have been saving in a different way and now opportunities are always there for us no matter where we go. Amazing! "Life Directions" showed me that if we don't have a mission in life and if we don't do what we're passionate about then our job becomes cumbersome and not so rewarding. Each of us were sent into this universe with a gift to share and if we don't use that gift then we're not using ourselves to our full potential. You have probably seen this before:

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible. ~T.E. Lawrence

Harv believes in this also and helps all of us believe in ourselves and live the dreams we've been dreaming. Check out his book ..Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and his seminars..I have the Ad's on this blog and all the seminars..any questions e-mail me. Even if you go to his one seminar you'll come away me. It's not only about wealth but everything and every aspect of life! My whole family has changed-my girls have found their passion and are working towards their goals. I'll write more next time..gotta go to work-too many things for me to do..I'm working on some passive income opportunities and learning more about working on my passion and how to create wealth using my natural gifts that I was born with..who would have thought that once I began there would be so many opportunities. Well...they were always there- in my heart and right in front of me- to use and share with the world. It was like an "Aha" moment at this seminar in Pasadena-wow! I would love to do and make money on that also? Yes, I would love to have a job where I can lose myself into it and get excited about getting out of bed every morning. Woo Hoo! Life has now begun to be even more enjoyable! :D. Enjoy your day and live your dreams! What else is there to do? With this I leave you with these famous quotes , Read, Think & Act:

"The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well."~Henry W. Longfellow

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it." ~William Arthur Ward

Till next time-leave your comments and ask any questions...and yes I am an ambassador of Peak Potentials..just in case you'd like to check it's the promo code to use for an excellent service..#528088. Thanks and enjoy this gorgeous day that was given to us...snowy,cold, rainy or least it's a day we're able to use to our advantage--so make the most of it. For those who are gowing through hard times right now (there's always someone who's in a worse situation than us)...there is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is a higher power who is ready to help us...remember that help is given only to people who are willing to help themselves...Be Grateful for All you Have...BELIEVE & have FAITH in yourself and create a DESIRE to change..You are immensely powerful. You have the power to create the kind of life you have always wanted to live! (forgot who wrote this)...remember a journey only begins with a small's all up to you and yes don't be afraid to ask for help-there's no shame in it. Each one of us in our lives have asked for help at one time or another...I could go on & on & on....:-) May your day be full of light!

P.S. Re: City of Pasadena, CA--,